Thursday, December 31, 2009

"there'd be no distance that could hold us this is the new year"

Thursday, December 31, 2009

  1. Priority: RELAXATION
  2. be more relaxed and more  connected to God
  3. connect to the nature and spirits around me like the Na'vi (meditation)
  4. explore different beliefs as well as my own
  5. toned six(ish) I put on my resolution list every year
  6. eat more like a rabbit...more fruits and veggies
  7. let the "winds" guide me ---STOP trying to control and plan everything... Just let it happen on it's own--Think Pocahontas or Na'vi
  8. be more social and take risks
  9. date.............
  10. stay on top of all my assignments and do not procrastinate
  11. keep on blogging and keep on writing my thoughts in my diary
  12. NEVER give up on my love for performing
  13. don't settle
  14. but don't be so picky
  15. be more helpful to others
  16. nail my upcoming auditions and land the roles I want
  17. Ignore horoscopes.
  18. Be the best friend, daughter, and sister I can be.

Most importantly: Remember everything happens for a reason.
*In reality, this is not a list of resolutions because I try to fulfill these wishes every day of every year.  My list for 2010 does not look much different from my lists in 2009, 2008, 2007 and so on.  My resolutions in 2011 will most likely follow the pattern.  My point? We should constantly reach for our goals and how we want to live our lives.  Making a list is a great way to remind ourselves of how we are evolving and how we are growing to get closer to reaching our goals.
Cheers to everyone for a very successful and bright new year!

With love,
Jules, Fashion Awakening Blog

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Project Rockwell

Thursday, December 24, 2009

So here it is - My design for the "Project Rockwell" fashion show.  The objective was to purchase a garment from Goodwill or from another second-hand store for under $10 and create a beautiful wardrobe out of it.  We needed to completely transform it from it's original look.

Original only cost $5.50

What do you think? 
I am happy to say that I was recognized as one of the top 10 designers out of approximately 120 others!  Not bad for my first fashion show.

i feel a change a comin'

My dear old blog has undergone a much needed makeover.  Now that I've mastered the art of html, I can change it up more frequently.  I was growing rather bored of the same old classic blogger so it was time to spice up the pages.

It is Christmas Eve and I am home for the next three weeks.  What shall I do with this alloted amount of time?  I plan to see old friends, go to the movies, see musicals, ice skate, and practice for my auditions coming up.  I hope everyone is enjoying the winter weather and going to fabulous parties in fabulous wardrobes.

Merry Christmas! 

SONG OF THE DAY: "Santa Bring My Soldier Home" by The Stunners

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Lady Gaga Medley

Sunday, December 20, 2009

This is Sam. Let me tell you about him.....he is extremely talented. I have watched several of his videos and I am so impressed. One of his most popular videos is where he sings all parts of the Glee cover "Don't Stop Believing". There are five of him on one stage and it looks like a band but it is Sam and only Sam.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Happy Holidays Blog Readers!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I am bitten.....I mean SMITTEN.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I know I'm a little late since this show has been out for quite some time .....BUT, I finally got the chance to watch it last night and I am HOOKED.  I watched the complete season 1 and stayed up until the wee hours of the morning just in awe of how addicting vampires truly are.  I love how this show sticks true to the old vampire legends.  How the blood-suckers will burn if they are out in the sun--not sparkle, how they cannot enter a house unless they are invited in, and how they must be staked through the heart in order to become a corpse.  Not only do I love the action and deathly battles, but I am also in love the cast.  First of all, every one is super attractive.  I mean, what can you expect?  Vamps are supposedly beautiful and seductive creatures.  Check and check.  Damon (Ian Somerhalder), who is the cocky and evil older brother of Stefan (Paul Wesley) may just happen to be one of the most attractive men I have ever seen.  I am not exaggerating. 

You can catch reruns of Vampire Diaries this entire week starting at 8 p.m. on the CW or head over to to watch the rest of the season.  Be sure to check out season 2 beginning in January!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Recession Shopping

Sunday, December 6, 2009
Don't let the economy get you down.  Who says you have to give up being stylish just because we are crunched on cash?  There are so many ways to save and still get the look you want and deserve.

BCBGeneration Knit Legging - $88  VS.  Max and Miley Knit Legging - $20

Let me tell you first hand, both of these pants are wonderful.  I had my eye on the BCBGeneration ones for quite some time but when I stumbled up on the Max and Miley pants, I gasped.  THEY ARE SO SIMILAR.  In fact, I've forgotten the differences and now wear my just-as-stylish $20 Max and Miley leggings.  Psssst---for you people who dislike passing off leggings as pants, well, these particular styles look just like black pants. They come equipped with bum pockets, zipper, and belt loops just like any pair of pants......only these are better because they give you the comfort of leggings but the appearance of pants!

BCBG Over-The-Knee Boots - $495 (On Sale for $346.50VS. Chinese Laundry Over-the Knee Boots - $119


I have to admit, I am a sucker for the BCBG boots and they are definitely worth the price.  HOWEVER, Chinese Laundry is a very good substitute if you are on a budget.  Both boots are over-the-knee but allow you the option of rolling it down to be at the knee.  Boots are a very important accessory to my wardrobe and I tend to splurge because I know I will wear them until their death.  On the other hand, the less you pay for boots, the more new pairs you can buy in the future with the money you didn't spend!  

Free People Lace Mini Dress - $108  VS.  Forever 21 Sweetheart Lace Dress - $22.80

Lace is extremely popular right now so no matter which style you choose, it will be a hit!  You really can't go wrong in this situation.  No matter where you choose to purchase a lace dress, you will find stunning ones under $100 so keep an eye out!

Alice and Olivia Shrunken Military Jacket - $550  VS.  Forever 21 Sgt. Runway Jacket - $39.80

The good thing about the F21 jacket, is it comes in black as well.  There are a million options when it comes to finding a military-style blazer.  Forever 21 has a lot of affordable options.

Be & D Studded Garbo Convertible Clutch - $695  VS.  Express Studded Flap Cluth On Sale for $27.65


Bottom line:  You CAN shop during a recession.  It just takes finding the right piece for the right price.  Happy Shopping. :D

Friday, December 4, 2009

Rodarte for Target

Friday, December 4, 2009
I am so excited for Rodarte x Target!  Rodarte creates some of the most beautiful and interesting garments I have ever seen.  Many celebs use Rodarte as a go-to designer to look absolutely fabulous on the Red Carpet.  Actresses such as Natalie Portman and Reese Witherspoon have been most famously seen wearing Rodarte, which is a smart move on account it always lands them on the "best dressed" list!

Natalie Portman looked absolutely stunning at the Academy Awards 2009.
She was quite the hot commodity on all of the gossip sites gushing about her elegant princess look.

Many of you have seen this dress worn by Reese Witherspoon from Rodarte's fall 2009 RTW show.  Gorgeous!

Here is a sneak preview at the Rodarte x Target line in stores December 20th!  Check your local Target to see if you will be getting it!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

KarlBob ChanelPants

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Spongebob must be pretty thrilled to have been given a new makeover.  Covered in gold pleather and completed with his very own pair of Chanel shades, the new Spongebob sure raked in the dough.  Designed to be auctioned off to support the World Wildlife Fund, he has been sold for 1,500 dollars.  Good job, Spongebob.  Karl, you rock.

P.S. Speaking of makeovers---like the new blog layout?  It needed a spice of color.
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