Sunday, January 31, 2010

My new quest: College Fashionista

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Hello bloggers,
I have some exciting news!  I will now be a style guru for College Fashionista.  CF is an online blog about college students and their style.  It's a wonderful site to see what fellow college mates are wearing all over the U.S.!  I am very excited to be a part of such a wonderful team but don't worry, I will still write for my personal blog.  Fashion Awakening has meant a lot to me over the years and I want it to keep growing.

Be sure to check out my articles for Kent State University on College Fashionista as well as the other wonderful things the site has to offer!  And of course, keep reading Fashion Awakening!


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Stuffy-Nose Chic: How to Work It When You're Sick

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

^This is exactly how I have felt today....maybe I should sport this toilet paper hat? ;)

The inspiration for this post?  I am sick.  I've been stuffy, sneezy, the sore throat, the whole nine yards for the past 4 days.  When I don't feel well, it is hard to find motivation to not look like a complete ill mess.  However, even though I find strength to get to class, I feel ugly and gross.  My nose is red from blowing it all day, I am sneezing every ten minutes it seems, and I can't hear well so people have to talk louder.  How do I work with this?  Here are a few tips I have gathered throughout the past couple of days:

1.  Wear comfy yoga pants or leggings
2.  Pair it with a soft, warm but fitted sweater
3.  Messy bun.....but you know, the kind that you actually strategically planned and tried over and over again to make it "look" messy but still cute.
4.  I've been wearing my black Bear Claw boots.  This is not a fashion offense because my stretchy pants are tight fitting.  I wouldn't wear "ugg-styled" boots with baggy sweatpants.
5.  Carry box a tissues, water, and throat drops (Ricola!), and HAND SANITIZER.

You may be sniffling all day and feel terrible, but it actually makes me feel a little better if I put some makeup on and try to look presentable.  I can control at least that much of my appearance.

1.  Foundation
2.  Play up your eyes!
3.  If you have redness around the nose.....I say just leave it alone so you don't cause more irritation.

But, hey, if you are really feeling awful then just stay home!  Read a book, relax, and drink something warm.  It is a pain to miss class and have to make up work but you won't feel well enough to pay attention anyways so you might as well get some rest so you can get better sooner.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Home Remedies For a Better and Clearer Skin

Friday, January 15, 2010

We all know how much of a struggle our skin can be.  Too dry?  Too oily?  Zits, one after another?  I don't know about you, but my skin decides to act up whenever I am going somewhere important where I must look my best.  Funny how that works out!  I have tried numerous meds and topical gel prescribed to me by the derm, but the results are only temporary.  It won't be long until my skin return back to its normal rebellious self.  So where do I go from here?

I turned to the kitchen and discovered two cures.

1.  Apple cider vinegar + water, anyone?  Yes, try it.  Create a mixture of half water and half apple cider vinegar and dip your cotton ball.  Use it all over your face like you would with a toner.  It smells of, well, apples and vinegar but it will wear off.  I suggest you use it at night before bed.

2.  Toothpaste. You have heard it before, and I will emphasize this point again!  Toothpaste WORKS! Don't expect your underground red zits to disappear after one night but it definitely gets the swelling and redness down.  I tap my pointer finger on the mouth of the container and just work the toothpaste into the zit.  You will have white dots all over your face depending on where the zit is, but just leave it over night.  You will notice how much better your skin looks and  feels.

As far as moisturizing, I've been using Aveeno's Positively Ageless Daily Moisturizer with SPF 30.  I am not in need of age defying moisturizer but I borrowed it from my mom and enjoyed my skin in result of using it.  It feels very soft and helped my skin find its glow.

If you have oily skin, I would try a moisturizer with salicylic acid.  For dry skin, find moisturizer with shea butter.

Use these tips and let me know how it works for you!

Love, Jules

Saturday, January 9, 2010

H&M and Walmart's Disappointing Move

Saturday, January 9, 2010

As many of you have already heard, the H&M in Manhattan's Herald Square has been reportedly destroying their own unsold clothing by slashing it with razors.  This is such a massive no-no to be made, especially in this horrible economy.  Imagine all of the children who are without food and clothing, freezing in winter weather, and here is H&M and even Walmart, ruining perfectly wearable clothing so not a single being can put it to use.  What a waste.  You would think such large and reputable companies would consider donating to a good cause or even having a blowout sale.

After the controversy had been made public, H&M decided to reconsider their poor judgment.  As of January 7th, H&M has promised to stop destroying their unsold clothing.  Hopefully they will decide to reuse and recycle the way this planet has been trying to promote for the past decade.  We have not yet heard from Walmart but I am crossing my fingers they make the right decision, otherwise many once-loyal customers will be sure to boycott.  

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

For all you Broadway lovers!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I just recently became a member of  BroadwaySpace!  I am a huge broadway fan and this is a wonderful social networking site, much like MySpace, where fellow theatre fans are able to unite and share their passion for this craft.  I am able to connect with other actors and singers, like myself, and share my favorite musicals as well as insider information for auditions!
Be my friend--- Jules' BroadwaySpace
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