This entry is particularly targeting Kenwood Mall goers.
I love BCBG. Period. It's name really says it all--bon chic bon genre meaning "good style, good class". Max Azria's collection is classy, unique, and who can't help but feel absolutely stunning in one of his dresses? I often go to BCBG stores, when I have the chance, and try on the most beautiful dresses. I love the feeling of the gauzy fabrics. Anyways, the point of this is to inform you that BCBG is coming to Macy's. You may be able to use your Macy's coupons on your purchases--I'll double check on that. Either way it is a bit on the pricey side, but we all deserve a splurge every now and then, right? Save up your money. Buy yourself a sassy, cocktail dress. Wear it to homecoming, senior dinner dance, or out on a date. Either way, every girl should own a dress designed by Max Azria.