Every now and then I drive about 25 miles to my secret destination. It is FASHION HEAVEN--filled with Von Dutch, Kitson, Urban Outfitters, Ed Hardy, Juicy Couture--but for beyond low prices. So... yesterday, I packed into my funky Jeep Cherokee with my mom and brother and we embarked on our little shopping adventure. When we arrived I almost had a fashion attack (haha cheesy). I picked up a very classy LBD. Picture Audrey Hepburn's dress in Breakfast At Tiffany's but knee length. This dress is regular $80 but the price tag was marked $9.00. However, when I brought it up to the register it was actually marked down to $2.50! Is this amazing store legal?? Yes, it is. What is it? It is a discount store that carries overstocks, defective but repairable items, and other name brands. I bought a pair of $200 Kitson jeans for $40 which were in perfect condition. This store is my best kept secret. Maybe one day I will reveal it's location. Keep checking my blog. :)