Thursday, October 15, 2009

I'm disappointed in you, Ralph Lauren. In a world where people criticize even a size 2, I would never think RL would stoop to that level. That is detrimental to the health of future generations. Society needs to stop being so superficial and realize people of all shapes and sizes are beautiful. The idea of beauty and what is socially accepted is entirely distorted to the point where young girls feel they need to be dangerously thin in order to fit the "norm". Hello? THIS IS NOT NORMAL. Photoshopping a perfectly proportional and already slim model to look like a distorted alien is not what this society needs. I think America, like Europe, should put health stamps on the photos that have been edited. The young people looking at these ads need to realize what they see is not real. It is a computer-enhanced photo and no one is that flawless. I completely understand the pressures. I STILL, to this very day, feel pressure to look like the inhuman computer-made race that our society is deeming as beautiful or sexy. They are not real. Don't believe it for one second because you will set your standards too high for any human to meet.