^This is exactly how I have felt today....maybe I should sport this toilet paper hat? ;)
The inspiration for this post? I am sick. I've been stuffy, sneezy, the sore throat, the whole nine yards for the past 4 days. When I don't feel well, it is hard to find motivation to not look like a complete ill mess. However, even though I find strength to get to class, I feel ugly and gross. My nose is red from blowing it all day, I am sneezing every ten minutes it seems, and I can't hear well so people have to talk louder. How do I work with this? Here are a few tips I have gathered throughout the past couple of days:
1. Wear comfy yoga pants or leggings
2. Pair it with a soft, warm but fitted sweater
3. Messy bun.....but you know, the kind that you actually strategically planned and tried over and over again to make it "look" messy but still cute.
4. I've been wearing my black Bear Claw boots. This is not a fashion offense because my stretchy pants are tight fitting. I wouldn't wear "ugg-styled" boots with baggy sweatpants.
5. Carry box a tissues, water, and throat drops (Ricola!), and HAND SANITIZER.
You may be sniffling all day and feel terrible, but it actually makes me feel a little better if I put some makeup on and try to look presentable. I can control at least that much of my appearance.
1. Foundation
2. Play up your eyes!
3. If you have redness around the nose.....I say just leave it alone so you don't cause more irritation.
But, hey, if you are really feeling awful then just stay home! Read a book, relax, and drink something warm. It is a pain to miss class and have to make up work but you won't feel well enough to pay attention anyways so you might as well get some rest so you can get better sooner.