Wednesday, September 23, 2009

numbers vs. words

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
"Numbers are definite, words are not." - My friend Timmy

So Timmy and I were having a discussion about words and numbers.  As always, I think way too much into things and it brought me into a huge rant about how I love words (not trying to offend the number people).  I love how words can be manipulated.  They can be interpreted in any way which can make them abstract at times.  I realize after this discussion, definite situations scare me.  Now, I'm really stretching this numbers VS. words topic, but I must say this: If there is only one way to go about doing something, only one way, no other way will cut it, then that is that.  BUT, what if I don't like that particular way?  What if I had my own way in mind.  Then, I'm toast.  I want to have a say.  I don't want to have it mapped out for me.  I want to be part of the process in solving the problem.  I don't like there being only one way to get to the gold.  There must be other paths, other decisions that can be made to create a new way to get to the point.  I need choices.
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